Our generation is a dishonest lot if we insist
on attention to detail, though; when we are all in the cold, hard
ground, centuries down the line, our collective epitaph should read:
You get the general idea. It is our motto. As long as
we can get a feel for whats going on, the particulars of how
it gets the job done arent of interest. (This has been the central
tenet of American national policy now since at least 1980.) What going
on with Kataklysm is this: theres a bunch of long-haired guys
from Quebec rocking the roof off the building, and theyre throwing
in a little horror-movie vibe just for good measure. Unconstrained
by convention, they even smuggle proper rock-n-roll licks into a brutal
death-metal environment and get away with it. They dont let
up for even a minute, and they know better than to overstay their
welcome: the whole of Epic: the Poetry of War clocks in just
under 45 minutes, which means that you can listen to it from beginning
to end before leaving the house in the morning for work, which is
exactly what we here in the LPTJ offices recommend you do. |