Time will tell whether Kataklysms new album
(its called Epic: the Poetry of War) will find its way
onto the dusty shelves of our straw-man purist, but it assures itself
a place in the hearts of esoterics like us from its very first moments.
The band itself had already earned this place a while back, when their
album The Prophecy had led off with the inscrutable, headcrushing
1999:6661:2000, a song which, because it contains the
impenetrable lyric Nineteen-ninety-nine/six-six-six/six-one,
can comfortably said to completely rule. The Prophecy was an
album about -- well, it was about something, thats for sure,
though you couldnt really say what. It seemed to have some futuristic
dystopia in mind: Towards the millennium/The end is coming
follows the lyric quoted above. But Kataklysms native language
is French -- theyre from Quebec -- and when you coupled that
with death metals distaste for any but the most tortured uses
of language, figuring out what exactly they were talking about was
sure to be rough going at best. |