Enter Mastodon. I know people who saw
them live last year who came home saying things like “Whoa”
and “Awesome. “ I take whoas and awesomes
as far deeper criticism than your average “a radical departure
from the mosh-metal norm” or “groundbreaking, ambitious,
and ultimately essential,” since the latter as demonstrably
easy to do but a decent “whoa” is notoriously tough to
fake. But Lifesblood, Mastodon’s debut EP, had left me
cold; it thrilled plenty of people, but I didn’t feel it much.
Sure, it had a beautiful sleeve, and it had a song called “We
Built This Come Death,” and I don’t expect to hear a song
with a better title this year. But the riffs didn’t generally
work for me -- they seemed forced -- and I got at best a couple of
minor whoa moments from it, which isn’t enough to light
a fire under me. |