When you’ve got a bunch of guys who like to make a lot of noise in a recording studio, what’s the most important thing? If you said “make sure they shout in unison,” give yourself an “A” for the day, and if you added “try and make sure they’re shouting monosyllables most of the time,” take a piece of candy from the dish on the desk. The chorus of the album’s opening number, “Crusher Destroyer,” is “Aim gorge and win,” as the lyric booklet reproduces it. If they’d have wanted to typographically reproduce what this sounds like, though, they’d have needed to figure out a way to make the words explode as soon as you read them: Aim! [BANG] Gorge! [BANG] and win! [BANG] I don’t know what they’re talking about, there, but I don’t particularly care, because the pure force of the guitars is pretty flattening, and the drummer is incredibly talented.
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