sooner or later it begins to get to you; you have to take a religious
fanatic's stance toward the conversation and either avoid even hearing
accounts of it, or immerse yourself entirely; and sooner or later
you find yourself picking a side; the only mistake is when you imagine
that picking a side has the sort of epochal importance that choosing
a side in a war might have; it doesn't; you can declare rock dead
today and soak up Led Zeppelin all day tomorrow; there is no loss
of face in this; no-one cares; it doesn't matter; that's the beauty
of the whole thing; that has always been the beauty of
the whole thing; this I mean: that the questions about genre and
pertinence and historical context and whatever else you've got to
bring into the battle simultaneously matter & don't matter; are
and aren't matter; will and won't make any difference in the end;
might, to you; might not; you never know; you can't; |