but again that's kind of the point; if I'm in a rock band and we're obscure, our obscurity doesn't mean much; if I'm in a way-way-way out-there rock band that couldn't possibly ever get played on the radio because we swear too much and have sworn off melody and a reliable beat, that still isn't such a big thing, because we're still on the wheel; if I make classical music, or jazz, that's another thing; or musique concrete ; but when I step outside of any known musical communities (as, say, Jandek) and just make something that's unlike much else (not unlike anything else: Dead Voices on Air are in the tradition laid down by early Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, Nocturnal Emissions, and so forth), then I place myself on one side of a binary opposition; when the emotional center of my album, if "emotional" is really the word I want,   is a track called "Scan Reflex" that sounds like several trumpets trying to imitate geese, I make a statement; don't I; isn't there a shot being fired across the bow somewhere;

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