OK so heres what its like. I moved
to Chicago in the fall of 1995 and found myself in a situation where
I was quickly amassing more CDs than I could really handle at once.
(We packrats experience these periodic reawakenings our peculiar illness
-- the disease that we kind of enjoy if were honest about it,
the one that causes us, eventually, to fill whole rooms with records
that we may or may not ever find ourselves wanting or needing to hear
again; we cannot help this, so we just kind of roll with it.) Somewhere
along the line I got a bunch of stuff on Atavistic, a Chicago label
that focuses its attention of the sort of music that resists categorization
-- of course, every God damned rock band in the world likes to think
that it cant actually be categorized, but Atavistic is into
the sort of thing that usually gets called No Wave (which
describes nothing) or Modern Classical (which is bullshit)
or, probably most effectively, outside music. |