So yesterday, right, the webmonster
and I are out shopping for furniture, and we end up buying these two
humongous bookcases, which means among other things that a whole bunch
of CDs are going to have to be temporarily displaced while were
moving stuff around the house. And so it happens that I unearth the
MX-80 album called Big Hits/Hard Attack, which I got in Chicago
around September or October of 1995 and which, upon seeing its cover,
I clearly remembered having listened to on a day when I was in kind
of an irritable mood, which is something you cant be doing with
music that has saxophones in it. Miraculously, or maybe not, the CD
had come with me from Chicago to Grinnell, made it through three different
Grinnell houses, taken the trip up to Colo where it had languished
in a closet for two years, and finally got to Ames, where, after a
couple of years in undeserved dormancy, it found itself thrown into
the changer last night. |