Last Plane readers, run away
when you hear me speaking, for I will make messes of your houses and
encourage you to fill every empty space with CDs that you could probably
afford to get rid of and never even miss a bit. Nevertheless I have
got to say it: Im happy as hell that I carted this record around
with me for close to seven years, because today it sounds like a complete
masterpiece. It was recorded in 1976 and 1977 in Bloomington, Indiana,
and was audibly made with the burning raw white heat of all the change
then going on in rock music writhing its way through the young brains
of its makers. Twenty-five years later, it doesnt sound like
a time capsule, or a God-damned harbinger of things
to come; nor does it sound prescient, or even ahead
of its time, which is how people usually describe things that
influenced this or that band or style which, unlike its inspiration,
is actually getting played and listened to. No, Big Hits/Hard Attack
sounds absolutely fresh and new and great, as incandescently creative
as if itd just been recorded yesterday in Detroit, or in 1919
at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, Switzerland. What you hear in its
twenty songs of alternate-universe rock songs (which, incidentally,
are quite irritatingly almost all mislabeled; which may well be a
reproduction of the original sleeves track listing; I sure hope
so) is a bunch of guys whove listened to a lot of Captain Beefheart,
whose acolytes at the time are far fewer in number than they are today;
who are aware of Pere Ubu, who are themselves at that very same moment
changing lives out there in Ohio; whove been buying the punk
rock 7s that are surfacing like weeds in New York and L.A.;
and who are merrily determined to leave some mark on rock history
that says We made a hell of a big noise back in Bloomington,
too, you coastal snobs, you. |