Ten thousand things to do today, none
of them terribly pressing, all of them great nervous-fidgety ways
of killing time & occupying my attention. What’s this, then,
popping out from the jiffy bag? An album by a band called We Ragazzi.
Generally speaking I like names that are more communicative than that
but I’ve seen the name We Ragazzi several times and there’s
something about it that I like. Not sure if rhymes with “nazi”
or “Fugazi” or “spazzy.” Beautiful digipak
though; could pass for something on Staalplaat. (This is how bad it’s
gotten in my nervous-fidgety brain: I’m comparing digipaks and
citing obscure Dutch labels when I can. Experimental music enthusiasts
are probably wanting to tell me how Staalplaat doesn’t actually
count as obscure. “Whatever,” cry the maddened throngs
in unison.) Looked it over twice & liked the way it felt in my
hand. I tossed that sumbitch into the player and thought about how
it’s probably time to start thinking about getting lunch. |