One minute into the first song and I’m like floored. This is great stuff. I’m running around the house tucking last-minute bills into envelopes and debating whether to wind new strings onto the guitar right now or later on tonight, after practicing but before going to bed. Everybody who thinks that this is making good use of my time and energy, hands up. OK, that’s nobody. So we’re agreed. Does the yard need raking? Yes, but it’s too damned cold. Admittedly it’s not properly cold but having spent last week in California I feel like I can call this weather “cold” and get away with it. I am hungry because I had coffee for breakfast and it’s now past noon. How come there’s no twelve o’clock showing of Law & Order any more, anyway? Don’t these people know I gotta watch Law & Order at noon if I’m gonna have lunch? Bastards. Heartless bastards.
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