which is to say, Coil’s Music to Play in the Dark is a thing so wholly dependent on the listener’s willingness to experience it in its totality that describing it is a fool’s errand. i can’t tell you about this any more than you can tell me what it was like for you that one time when you lay awake in bed until three in the morning, dead sober, wondering whether the date of your death hadn’t already been fixed at some religio-genetic point at the exact moment of your conception. i could song-by-song this album — it deserves it – but if you followed my directions when i started writing this screed, then you’re no more willing to read such a piece than i am to write it. i am heading back to the liquor cabinet to prepare myself for what’s left of this excellent album, and i recommend that you get thee to Aquarius Records (who stocks Music to Play in the Dark, and, what’s more, likes it almost as much as I do) and begin preparations for the week-long drunk it’ll take you to digest it. |