all right, then. Coil. everybody here knows about Coil, right? they’ve been around forever and ever, festering originally from the always-already rotting body of Psychic TV, about whom if you don’t know you better ask somebody. an old drinking buddy of mine, may he rest in peace, regarded Coil more seriously than any other band then working: this would have been around 1985 or thenabouts, when Coil was still fairly new but was already at the business of establishing some frightening credentials. Music to Destroy Angels. The rejected soundtrack to the movie Hellraiser, which film your humble editor has seen at least five times. the great Panic 12”. Coil’s Great Big Moment was a near-perfect album called Horse Rotorvator, which is an all-time classic jeremiad interesting mainly in locating the exact point at which the Bacchanalian impulse collides with the need to be absolutely & irrevocably alone.

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