The charm of American Christianity is its willingness to bend Absolute Truth to suit its own particular needs. Take the most commonly posited afterlife scenario: you die, right, and then all of a sudden there you are, a trifle disoriented but seemingly healthy and whole, smack dab in the middle of a big-ass movie theater. Opinions vary as to whether the decor inside the theater is plush & extravagant after the fashion of, say, Graumann’s Chinese in Hollywood, or drab and utilitarian in the deathless style of, for example, Cinema Movie Theater in Grinnell, Iowa. Either way, the movie’s the same: it’s This Was Your Life!, as the Jack T. Chick tract would have it, chronicling your every single word, thought & deed in glorious living color. You watch it, because that’s part of the bargain (there’s no indication in the popular mythology as to what would happen if you just went and hung out in the bathroom smoking cigarettes the whole time), and once it’s over one of two things happens: you get up and walk out into the lobby, where you’re guided through a swinging door marked “Heaven,” or, if it turned out that your movie wasn’t very good, a trap door underneath your seat falls open and you drop down into the fiery pit.
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