Leaving aside for the moment the song’s title, which alone would place Ghoul within that elite group of bands who have a song titled after their own band name, all of which bands rule completely -- leaving that much aside, we’re still left with the single most charming melange of grind metal, speed metal, and smart-ass high-school juniors that you’re likely to find outside of, say, a class full of grind and/or speed metal loving high-school juniors. The juxtaposition of standard goregrind images (graves, blood, the eating of corpses) with standardized English usage (“in boneyards we prefer to dine” -- prefer? to dine?) let us know that Ghoul are playing it for laughs, even as the music punches all the right speed-metal buttons and evokes all the right life’s-so-sweet-when-you’re-listening-to-speed-metal responses. “A baby, our dinner?” “A bite to eat?” “A gustable surprise?” You can’t tell me that these guys, all of whom dress up in blood-smeared ghost costumes on the back cover, don’t know they’re funny.
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