What you get from Snoop’s "Paid in Full," on the other hand, is the key to what’s always made Snoop such an arresting figure: he sounds like a guy who’s doing what he’s doing just for the hell of it, and who occasionally is struck by how much fun he’s having. This is why, incidentally, his more offensive verses slide right off you like water off a newly waxed car: you feel like he’s just having fun, not meaning any harm. And I’d go into more detail about all this, really I would, but tomorrow I go out on tour and my already battered brain is skipping some key points in the circuit. I’ll try to update from wherever I am this time next week – really I will – but in case our paths don’t cross until then, let me just say an especially loud "thanks" to everyone who sent me birthday wishes: it made my whole year. In the meantime, go listen to Snoop’s "Paid in Full" if you get a chance and hopefully it will hold you over. I’ll have it playing in my headphones for most of tomorrow if you happen to see me headed down toward Virginia. Wave at me if you do: I promise to wave back.
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