In conclusion, the album Gateways to Annihilation is really great. People who say that only early Morbid Angel is good are only trying to look cool. But how can you look cool if you do not like an album where the chords all sound like collapsing castles on a frozen planet and the rhythms remind you of Gorguts, but just a little, because Morbid Angel sound like they could play smashy jazz style Gorguts stuff, but they are being stubborn about it and forcing themselves to keep their smash-jazz feelings inside? The answer is you can’t be cool, unless you like Gateways to Annihilation. Thank you for letting me guest write Last Plane to Jakarta this week! Grown-up John will be back next week to talk about High Fidelity Pipe Organ Favorites or some other record he has been listening to to try to calm down his nerves or something! That was another thing I was going to say about Morbid Angel, how it is really good music for meditation (yes really!) but I guess that will have to wait until next time! It was good to meet you! Fight war not wars everybody! Peace out!

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