The video for “New Millennium Cyanide Christ” was, according the the album sleeve, “Recorded in a recreation vehicle [in 1999] somewhere in Ohio, U.S.” Evidently somebody on Meshuggah’s tour of North America brought a camcorder along; either that, or a video director proposed riding with them long enough to craft this bare-bones masterpiece. The first view points toward the second possibility, since we spend the video’s first few seconds looking through the right rear window of the RV that holds all five members of Meshuggah. The RV moves in the frame a little ways to the left, and we can now see through the window, where four guys in sunglasses are banging their heads with considerable vim and vigor. We hear the song they’re rocking out to as through a transistor radio. The riff we hear is a catchy if unmelodic and there are lots of crash cymbals riding atop it like foam cresting a wave. For ten seconds we wonder what the point of all this is, and then we’re inside the vehicle.

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