There have been four metal records that have left a big impression on me so far this year, and it occurs to me that I haven’t written about any of them. One is the Vital Remains album, Dechristianize, which came out on Tuesday; it’s got Glen Benton from Deicide on vocals, who’s kind of a clown in the Danzig mold, but who does have an upside-down cross branded onto his forehead, which oughta count for something. Another is the new Agoraphobic Nosebleed 3”, which I may end up writing about at length. It has one hundred songs on it, among them a twelve-part sequence called, what else, “The Twelve Days of Sodom,” whose ninth part has been lovingly titled “Holiday Bowl Full of Asshole.” This, as they say in in the scientific world, merits further motherfucking research. The third one is the Lickgoldensky album, about which I’ve already written here, and the fourth one I just got this week. It’s the new Opeth, and it came out back in November.
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