While personally I find the last
option most appealing -- for what is Michael Jackson now, if not Andy
Warhol with a whole lot of money and a severely impaired ability to
discern the real from the fantastic? -- its most likely that
the whole thing was a rather inept combination of self-delusion, a
keen sense of how best to drive up sales when
tourings out of the question, and a misguided stab at sending
a message to Sony.
BUT THE Future is a scary place, so the hell with it. Im with
MJ. This is clearly just another case of the racism that runs rampant
throughout the music business. How else to explain the disappearance
into history of Controversy, the album I pulled out of the
cassette box this week? No, not Princes Controversy,
which always gets the early-Prince holla from critic-types even though
Dirty Mind is clearly the superior album. No, I mean Controversy,
the 1989 album by Willie Dee, late of the Geto Boys. |
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