Of course, he wasnt in the
Geto Boys yet when he made Controversy, which explains why
the lead-off track, Do It Like a G.O., is the same song
that the Geto Boys released on their self-titled 1990 album on Def
Jam. He was, apparently, just another guy with a crazy dream. Except
that unlike most guys with crazy dreams, Willie Dees dream involved
1) Out motherfuckering NWAs motherfucker-drenched
benchmark Straight Outta Compton by a factor of at least 3:2
2) Actually working social issues into his raps instead of just threatening
to drop science every three or four verses without ever
actually saying anything
3) Expressing these social issues in the crudest & loudest terms
possible, as in the case of the chorus from Controversys
second song: Motherfuck a KKK
4) Writing a song in which he gets to say pussy no fewer
than sixty-eight times |
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